Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Anger, a deep anger towards the world that sucks in those who would claim to be Christian...An anger towards those who would be sucked in, not that they are weak but that they allow themselves to be fooled by the fooler, deceived by the deceiver...Destroyed by the destroyer...My heart breaks again but this time with a burning anger so deep it consumes everything I am...Because now its turning friend into foe, turning comrade into distant memory...And all I can do is separate myself from the lie, separate myself from those that would believe the lie, to be alone amongst a world full of lies, I look to God and plead for understanding. And smile as prayer is answered...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004
I watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
The sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
The moon's going to owe it one
It makes me think of how you act to me you do
Favors and then rapidly you just
Turn around and start asking me about
Things you want back from me...

-Linkin Park (A Place For My Head)
Monday, March 29, 2004
Indeed we are hated, just as they hated Jesus when he spoke the truth, just like when they hung him up on the cross. But to we fight the cross or do we embrace it? do we shout out against the hate we receve as belevers or do we embrace it and love them?

Jesus said we would gbe hated, I am the hated and I'm full of joy for I know he loves me, and if I'm hated by the world I know that I'm doing this right, living as an outcast from the world.

Underground dwellaz, roaming beneath the cellars
Failed us with this system, ain't living how they tell us
Hideaway place, it's safe, they raise a nation of hate
Erase a main for his faith
They feed us lies, dress up my King in false disguise
Behind those eyes, soul of a savior I recognize
No compromise, while the whole world becomes corrupt
Tonight we break the surface for lives, We coming up

-P.O.D. (Outkast)
I'm not a person that falls in love, really. I don't go out looking for it. I don't look for boyfriends. I was always too much of a loner before. They just kinda happened. Now this is the first time in years I'm without one. I don't care about having a boyfriend. In fact I don't want a "boyfriend", I want the one I love more than ANYTHING in the world, though. Why is it so f*ing hard to love me back???


(why is it so hard to love me back....interesting question)
Friday, March 26, 2004
I stand today, washed and purified. I have been (and still am) under the blows of the blacksmith’s hammer and I have been tempered in His furnace. What walks this earth and breathes this air today is something new – something the world has never seen before and shall never see again...

...When truly those who have been broken,
Those who have been passed through fire,
Those who have been molded scrapped and molded again,
Those who have been pounded between the anvil and the hammer

Those who retain the shape they are made in and yield to the hands of the Artisan whenever He wills are the ones who have hope.

They are the ones whose faith does not fail, for they are confident in the skilled hands of their Maker.

They know that whatever the next shape may be it is the one that has been designed for them – that there is some great purpose that is beyond their understanding. Whether it is an extra edge or fold here, or a new crease or crevice there – they yield.

YIELD! And they fulfill their service.

They will receive their just crown, those who give the appearance of being molded into a vessel for God to pour His purposes in to, but on the inside they contain the ashes of their beloved, tyrannical monarch

-Jeffery Olver
Its hard to find that words that so often consume this heart and cast it ablaze and yet I know that there are no words that can show my love for You. There is nothing on this earth that can do what you do too me, change me from the inside but also from the outside, I was dieing on the inside and you set my heart on fire. I was comfterbal on the outside and you took me away and set my feet to dancing, and I rejoyce. This love so deep I don't even understand it, nor shall I. And I am glad Your bigger then my understanding, so that everyday with You is new revolation, new contemplation of You.

You set my feet to dancing, and in this joy set so firmly in my heart I know you will never let go, though I might not always be happy, I can always be joyful knowing you are Passion my Love I know You are with me o Lord. Be with me o Passion my God, be with me my Love. For it is my honor to serve only You.

I Have Heard about the Days of old
About the men who followed You
And how they saw the Supernatural
And became the chosen few

So I come before You now
Tearing off my earthly crowns
for this one thing I have Found

I want Faith Like That
To see the dead rise
or to see You pass by
Oh I, I want Faith Like That
Whatever the cost
I'll suffer the loss, Oh I
I want Faith Like That

I'm not Looking for a miracle
Signs and Wonders are things thereof
I caught a glimps of what You want from me
and what I have is not enough

I read the story one more time
of Those who gave to You Their lives
With no fear or compromise

I want Faith Like That
To see the dead rise
or to see You pass by
Oh I, I want Faith Like That
Whatever the cost
I'll suffer the loss, Oh I
I want the Faith That can move any mountain
and send them to the sea
I want the Faith that can break every stronghold
That keeps you, keeps you from me

I want Faith Like That
To see the dead rise
or to see You pass by
Oh I, I want Faith Like That

I want Faith Like That
To see the dead rise
or to see You pass by
Oh I, I want Faith Like That
Whatever the cost
I'll suffer the loss, Oh I
I want Faith Like That, a Faith like that

-Jonah33 (Faith Like That)

Monday, March 15, 2004
Love is such an amazing subject that so many people claim to know and yet never truly feel, I used to think I knew what it was then I hit a wall of fire that killed my soul and shaped my life in a shattering clash of lust and zeal, I thought I knew the wonderful feelings of peace and joy, but all it ended up to be was sorrow...a mindless toy. So many people claim to know yet never truly feel, love in its everlasting truness of everlasting joy. Instead they find love in the things of the flesh...only to die one day all alone, never knowing what love really is...never to know...

this is my sorrow, for my love for them is so deep that I fel the pains of the hate filled world...this hate only used to cover up the hole that has been made inside the wonderers heart...found too deep in the shallow lives of this place that it really doesn't exsist...and yet it sits there in every individual like a cancer...eating away at the soul until finaly there is none left then it eats away at the flesh...this is my sorrow. For not that in these days I live in pain, for I am renewed everyday. Nor for in these days I live in fear, for everything I am in in the Creator....but that in these days, people are starving and they don't even know it...This is my sorrow, the pain of others fills my heart as I asked for it so many times, my dangerous prayer I prayed to releave the ones closest to me from just a small amount of there allow me to feel that pain for them, that I may love them more in sharing of that pain...I feel the pain of this world and my heart breaks for them. They get angry in this pain, blaming the actions of this world on the Creator when its the actions of the creation...not the Creator that influences the world in its current state. My heart is in deep sorrow and I am filled with joy,O that this joy could be poured out into them...O that they could see what this is. I wished to feel the pain of those in my life...of those around me...the pain of this world and there have been days I have wished that I never prayed that prayer...and then there are the days like today where my heart breaks and I am glad...for I know the pains of this world and these are the same feelings that hurt Him so much, He only wishes to be with love them. I only wish to love, because He has loved me

These are the writings of joyful sorrow, as the pain is deep but I tell you my friend that my joy is deeper because I know that in the end...the broken heart of this soul will reach out to the hearts of those who feel the greatest pain...cause I share in that pain...for God allowed it. and I thank Him for this gift. Amen
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
In the quiet times I sleep
and You still come to me
in the night times You speek
even if I lost the key.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Everytime I think to myself the thoughts fill the void of this heart. The thoughts of You fill my soul and I'm at peace. Everytime I sing a song to myself I think of You, just a sweet little melody that starts low but picks up as my heart pours itself out to You. Its song gradifying, giving glory to the One and only who desurves everything this heart has to offer.

Everytime I think of You, my heart is filled with Joy.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004
i'm everything you've wanted
i am the one whose haunting you
i am the eyes inside of you, stare back at you

there's nothing left to lose
there's nothing left to prove
surrender your love, it's all you can do

what you got, what you want, what you need
gonna be your savior
everything's gonna crash and break
but i know, yeah i know
what you got what you want, what you need
gonna be your savior
everything's gonna crash and break
your savior

it's time to redefine your deophobic mind
don't hesitate, there's no escape
the secrets on the inside

i am the eyes inside staring back at you
you need me

-Skillet (Savior)

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