Tuesday, June 29, 2004
He looks to the stage now...
one by one they walk the stage...some with smiles some with tears...shaking the hand of one of the many people who had poured into them this long yet oddly short year...
He walks though the crowed unnoticed by the many as he wipes the tears from his eyes he looks on...
it had been a short week, all too short and it all came to this. The final day of this time in his life...
He looks to his friends, some hugging other friends, others crying...some doing both
He moves closer to the stage now...not knowing what the next year will bring...looking to all those faces he had become so accustomed too, trying so hard to hold back the pain he feels as he knows that he will not see many of these people again...
He gets on stage and looks the man in the eyes and remembers the one word that has lead him into his new path...he shakes the mans hand and a voice whispers to him...
He smiles then...
this chapter is over but a new one begins...
and the student becomes the teacher...

He looks over the large crowd, so alone amongst so many great friends, peace taking over his heart for he knows...

That God is in control...
Sunday, June 27, 2004
He stands up. He can't figure out what is going on but after collecting himself and standing straight up with his head held high. Blood now runs down his face as he looks to his enemy with a smirk, his sword still firm in his hand.

His advisory burns with a fury at the sight of he standing up once again, "STAY DOWN FOOL! Can't you see you cannot win? Its over! Nobody likes you anymore, you have nobody to back you up and my army is here GIVE UP!"

He looks into the eyes of filth and smiles, his sword gleaming as the words leave his lips, "My father has gone before me, your armies are no more...you have no power here anymore."

The enemy looks behind him quickly and there lies his legions dead on the ground not even a mile away, "your God may take that small victory but you cannot not take this one, I will cut you down at every turn, tare you apart from limb to limb and you are to weak to stop me...you will be mine."

He steps closer to his enemy now and points his sword at him and with a passion unknown in this day and age speaks, "the power of the God almighty has taken your armies and devastated them, He has taken His people and taken them out of your farthest reach...He has already won this battle as well..." He looks to the blood that stains his flesh... "Your lies are empty and your power in none...Though you might take the weak in faith I tell you now that by the power of Jesus Christ you will not take me...

Just then a double edged sword falls into his hands from the heavens and a ring of fire surrounds his enemy...

"you will be held in your grave, powerless on this earth..." He walks over and with the double edged sword, cuts the head of his enemy clean off...

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